A quick overview of the Magic Beans app


This is a page that features deals and advertising from gardening related businesses near you. We love connecting Beanies with local businesses!

The garden Guide feature

The garden guide is our paid subscriber area. If you subscribe to the garden guide, you’ll receive a monthly guide of what to do in the garden, tailored to your region. You’ll also have access to our ever-growing library of garden education resources that will really help you up your home growing skills. Subscriptions are processed securely through Stripe and can be purchased on a month by month or annual basis. Take a look at our PLANS PAGE for more info.


This is the community hub. You’ll see posts from Beanies all over NZ and swaps from people near you. You’ll be able to connect by posting, swapping and taking part in discussions through post commenting. It is a place to get inspired and be inspired, to learn and to share knowledge, and of course get swapping your excess goodies with your neighbourhood!


This is where you can manage your profile. Your profile can be viewed by other members- this helps build trust and confidence for swapping and sharing.


You can manage your account and update your details here.

This is where you can manage notifications- we recommend leaving notifications on so that you know when there is activity on a swap you have listed or responded to.

Check out our Rules and Guidelines and FAQ’s for more info, or read our articles on each feature


Getting started- your profile.


Reduce food waste